Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blog 3

In today’s world, we are being misled by a lot of information being given to us. For instance, global warming is a hoax like autism, which was delivered by Apollo astronauts, who really land on the moon. President Obama being born in Kenya. The black helicopter trying to impose one-world government on us.
         We humans, have long been accustomed to believe all the lies we are told. Like the mosque being built at ground zero, which is not really a mosque or not ground zero. Researchers, from Oho State University recently conducted a study on how much false belief e can absorb and how it impacts our lives. For all the talk about the Islamic Cultural Centre being grounds constructed at Park Place, people of reason will have their doubts .The difference between the first amendment and the locals, deserves a fair hearing, but was misguided by the information.
         The center is not going to be built on the grounds of the towers destroyed on September 11,but will be constructed on the site that is now a coat factory. The center will contain among other things, a mosque, culinary school, auditorium restaurant, library and a fitness center. The man who will be leading the center is Feisal Abdul Rauf, is not a person who embraces terrorists. He worked for the State Department during the Bush administration, to foster peace between east and west.
         In a new study conducted by R. Kelly and Erik Nisbet of Ohio University. About 750 people were given reading materials to study. After reading the material 28% of the subjects did not agree while 35% felt that there were   merit in the new information.
          What was most alarming to the researchers, is how easy it is to influence people  beliefs. People tend to form their own opinion about a subject, and when shown added information it is hard to convince them, no matter how hard you try. In this world, it does not matter whether the information is real or unreal, we must make use of the information given , if at all we are to accomplished anything.    

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